Award-winning actor Robert De Niro attacked former president Donald Trump with profanity on Tuesday's broadcast of The View. The actor visited the Hot Topics table to promote his work with moderator Whoopi Goldberg, with whom he co-stars in the upcoming film Ezra. However, before the conversation ended, cohost Sunny Hostin questioned him about his long-standing dislike for Donald Trump.
The actor did not hold back when the presenters of The View started talking about the next presidential election, drawing comparisons between Trump and Italian despot Benito Mussolini and Nazi leader Adolf Hitler. As per Decider, he said, "I don't understand why people are not taking him seriously. You read about it historically in other countries that they didn't take people seriously -- Hitler, Mussolini. Who does not think that this guy is not gonna do exactly what he says he's gonna do? He's done it already."
He mocked the hardcore Trump supporters and added, "They might think that it's gonna make their life better or they just want to." When discussing the effects of Trump's reelection on all Americans, De Niro said "Excuse my French" before the actor's voice faded out. The studio crowd applauded the profanity-filled statement. He continued, "Those people who support him with anger and hate -- because that's what he's about -- they are gonna see. I see what a hateful, mean-spirited, awful thing he is. He's vicious. Why will he not do that in this country? He's already done it."
Joy Behar brought up Trump's mockery of service personnel and those with disabilities. De Niro agreed with the statement and added, "He's done everything. What more do you need? It's almost like he wants to do the worst that he could possibly do to show this country." Once again, De Niro was bleeped for expressing his opinion that Trump is attempting to do the "worst that he could possibly do." De Niro was censored four times throughout the course of the conversation. His lips twitched in a manner that suggested he had dropped a few F-bombs, even though it was unclear what he had spoken.
Goldberg also took aim at Trump earlier this week after the former president posted a meme on Twitter that suggested she may leave the nation in the event that he were elected to a second term. He shared on Truth Social, "Canada doesn't want you Whoopi, NOBODY DOES!!!" The caption on the image read, "I'm moving to Canada for sure this time!"
As reported by People, Goldberg addressed this post on the show and said, "You know what I'm a little agitated about that man has something to say to me. He saw a meme, you know who saw a meme that I was leaving the country." According to Newsweek, the image of Goldberg has been circulating online for years. Following its submission to him by a fan, Trump posted the image on Sunday night. She continued, "People always see these crazy memes that I'm going to leave the country if he gets in there. Somebody else thought I was leaving, was sending suggestions for people to take my place."