Disney's live-action adaptation of Snow White is set to debut on March 21, 2025, bringing an expanded and updated version of the classic story to a new generation. After receiving plenty of harsh criticism over previous trailers, for everything from CGI dwarfs to the casting of Rachel Zegler in the lead role, the new trailer seems to have shifted a little of the focus from the titular Disney princess to the Evil Queen, played by Gal Gadot.
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Snow White, and more precisely, star Rachel Zegler, has been subjected to some unwarranted criticism from those who have taken issue with the movie's lead casting. Gadot's appearance in the movie has not come without criticism thanks to the actress' stance on the Israel Gaza war, but her Evil Queen in the movie has not received very much screen time in previous trailers at all. With both stars of the movie having attracted some very vocal backlash online, it is hard to know what Disney can do for the best when marketing the film.
Gadot's villain has been seen very little in promotional footage, but the new trailer allows her to shine - although, as is the way, the trailer perhaps shows a little more than necessary, including Gadot's transformation into her crone form near the end of the movie. You can check out the latest trailer below.
Snow White is Dividing Fans ✕ Remove Ads
Snow White is the latest movie in Disney's unending list of live-action remakes, which has previously included The Little Mermaid and The Jungle Book, and features upcoming releases such as Moana and Lilo & Stitch. While most of these movies have not passed without criticism of the House of Mouse being "creatively bankrupt," Snow White has come in for more backlash than most over the decision to cast Zegler as the princess with "skin white as snow."
Those complaints have been covered many times, but the discourse online just continues to flow on the back of every trailer post, article and update about the movie. However, there are still many who are looking forward to seeing Snow White get a modern retelling, even if they know that it is not going to be that same tale they grew up watching on the select occasions Disney allowed it out of the vault.
Related Rachel Zegler Responds to Backlash Over Snow White Casting & Support of Palestine
The actress, who plays Snow White in Disney's upcoming live-action adaptation, has dealt with multiple waves of hateful comments online.
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The production of Snow White saw many delays, thanks to the Covid pandemic, various strikes, and then the need to complete a significant amount of post-production work to make the CGI dwarfs look good enough to stand up to the online scrutiny they will be put under on the movie's release. As that release date approaches, the live-action Snow White will no doubt continue to be the subject of debates online, but in the end, the one thing that matters above all else is the amount of money the movie makes at the box office. On that count, based on the lackluster reception of last year's The Little Mermaid, it is hard to know exactly which way that balance will tip when the film arrives on March 21, 2025.
Disney's Snow White AdventureDramaFamily Release Date March 21, 2025 Cast Rachel Zegler , Gal Gadot , Andrew Burnap , Ansu Kabia ✕ Remove Ads